



JA-100-Link 2.9.3 Software
ZIP (11.49 MB)

The updated versions also give a lot of improvements and new functions as e.g.:

  • Adding the JABLOTRON 100+ project support
  • Range of the basic system parameters increased
  • Maintenance mode
  • New system status - Dimming
  • Number PG outputs which can control a device increased
  • User rights copy
  • Changes of the calendar logic
  • Adding the Final door reaction
  • Asynchronous devices support
  • BUS current consumtion monitoring
  • Number of events and the way they are loaded expanded
  • FW packages sorted by the types of control panels
  • Changes in displaying the RF signal
  • Basic camera parameter settings
  • Own texts
  • Other small improvements

JA-80 Oasis

O-Link Software 2.0.6
ZIP (1.67 MB)

From here you can download O-Link v2.0.6 software for programming and controlling OASiS systems.

O-Link Software is back - compatible with previous versions.Minimum recommended PC configuration: CPU 1GHz, RAM 256MB, OS Windows 2000 or higher (XP, Vista, Win 7, Win 8 / 8.1 / 10). The new version (2.0.6) has the following additional feature:

  • Support of the followin peripheries (BNL – for Benelux region)
Firmware JA-82Y - LD62520 - EN
FWP (338 kB)

New FW LD62520 supports new functions in (BNL) peripheries to be in compliance with INCERT certification. We strictly recommend to perform upgrade of the GSM dialler by this firmware but only if current FW is marked as LD62xxx. For older firmware can not be used new firmaware used and it is not recommeded to do it!

Firmware JA-82Y - LD62520 - CZ - Důležité info v popisu!!
FWP (403 kB)

Nový firmware LD62520 se liší od starého firmwaru (LD62516) podporou nových funkcí pro splnění certifikace INCERT u periferií s označením (BNL). Důrazně doporučujeme provést upgrade komunikátoru tímto firmwarem, pokud je ten stávající označen LD62xxx. Pro starší firmwary označené LD61xxx nelze nový firmware použít a nedoporučuje se jej provádět!

Firmware JA-82Y - LD62520 - DE
FWP (345 kB)

Die neue FW LD62520 unterstützt neue Funktionen in (BNL) Peripherien, die die INCERT-Zertifizierung erfüllen. Es wird dringend empfohlen, eine Aktualisierung des GSM-Wählgeräts dieser Firmware durchzuführen, wenn die aktuelle FW als LD62xxx gekennzeichnet ist. Die neue Firmware kann nicht für ältere Versionen benutzt werden, daher wird davon abgeraten!

Firmware JA-82Y - LD62520 - DK
FWP (331 kB)

Ny FW LD62520 understøtter nye funktioner i (BNL) enheder for at være i overensstemmelse med INCERT certificeringen. Vi anbefaler på det kraftigste at GSM opkaldsfunktionen opgraderes til denne FW hvis den nuværende FW er LD62xxx. Har man en ældre FW end LD62xxx kan den ikke opgraderes, og det er ikke anbefalet at prøve at opgradere.

Firmware JA-82Y - LD62520 - ES
FWP (338 kB)

Nuevo FW LD62520 soporta nuevas funcionalidades en (BNL) periferias para cumplir con la certificación INCERT. Recomendamos encarecidamente realizar la actualización del comunicador GSM a este firmware, pero solo si el FW actual está marcado como LD62xxx. ¡Para un firmware más antiguo no puede ser utilizado el nuevo firmware y no recomendamos hacerlo!

Firmware JA-82Y - LD62520 - FI
FWP (373 kB)

Uusi FW LD62520 tukee uusia toimintoja (BNL) alueilla INCERT-sertifioinnin noudattamiseksi. Suosittelemme voimakkaasti päivittämään GSM-laitteen tällä Firmware-versiolla, mutta vain jos nykyinen FW on merkitty seuraavasti: LD62xxx. Vanhempia Firmware-versioita ei voi päivittää uuteen Firmware-versioon eikä sitä suositella.

Micrologiciel JA-82Y - LD62520 - FR
FWP (339 kB)

Le nouveau micrologiciel LD62520 supporte les nouvelles fonctionnalités périphériques (BNL) devant être conformes à la certification INCERT. Nous recommandons strictement de réaliser la mise à jour du numéroteur GSM avec ce micrologiciel, mais uniquement pour les versions LD62xxx installées du micrologiciel. Pour les versions antérieures, ce micrologiciel ne peut être utilisé et il est totalement déconseillé de procéder à la mise à jour!

Firmware JA-82Y - LD62520 - IT
FWP (390 kB)

Il nuovo FW LD62520 supporta nuove funzioni nelle periferiche (BNL) ai fini della conformità con la certificazione INCERT. Consigliamo vivamente di eseguire l'aggiornamento della composizione numerica GSM mediante questo firmware, ma solo se il FW attuale è contrassegnato come LD62xxx. Per i firmware precedenti non è possibile utilizzare il nuovo firmware ed è fortemente sconsigliato!

Firmware JA-82Y - LD62520 - NL
FWP (340 kB)

Nieuwe FW LD62520 ondersteunt nieuwe functies in de randapparatuur (BNL) om te voldoen aan de certificatie INCERT. We adviseren nadrukkelijk om de GSM-beller up te graden door deze firmware, maar alleen als de huidige FW gemarkeerd is als LD62xxx. Voor een oudere firmware kan de nieuwe firmaware niet worden gebruikt. Het wordt afgeraden dit te doen!

Fastvare JA-82Y - LD62520 - NO
FWP (324 kB)

Nye FW LD62520 støtter nye funksjoner i (BNL)-enheter, slik at de skal være i samsvar med INCERT-sertifiseringen. Vi anbefaler sterkt å foreta oppgradering av GSM-oppringeren med denne fastvaren, men kun dersom den aktuelle fastvaren er merket som LD62xxx. For eldre fastvare kan det ikke brukes ny fastvare, og det anbefales å ikke gjøre det!

Firmware JA-82Y - LD62520 - PL
FWP (453 kB)

Nowe oprogramowanie FW LD62520 wspiera nowe funkcje dla (BNL) urządzeń peryferyjnych, aby uzyskać zgodność z certyfikatem INCERT. Zalecamy aktualizację dialera GSM za pomocą tego oprogramowania, ale tylko jeśli obecna wersja oprogramowania firmware jest oznaczona numerem LD62xxx. Nowe oprogramowanie nie może zostać użyte w przypadku starszych wersji firmware i nie zalecamy tego robić!

Firmware JA-82Y - LD62520 - PT
FWP (343 kB)

O novo FW LD62520 suporta novas funções em periféricos (BNL) de forma a cumprir a certificação INCERT. É altamente recomendável proceder à atualização do marcador GSM com este firmware mas apenas se o FW atual estiver identificado como LD62xxx. Em caso de firmwares mais antigos, não é possível utilizar firmware novo e, por esse motivo, a atualização não é recomendada!

Микропрограммное обеспечение JA-82Y - RU
FWP (337 kB)

Новое микропрограммное обеспечение LD62520 поддерживает новые функции в (BNL) периферийных устройствах для обеспечения соответствия с сертификацией INCERT. Настоятельно рекомендуем обновить GSM дозвонщик этим микропрограммным обеспечением, но только если текущее микропрограммное обеспечение имеет маркировку LD62xxx. В случае более старых версий микропрограммного обеспечения новое микропрограммное обеспечение использовать нельзя и не рекомендуется!

Den inbyggda programvaran JA-82Y - LD62520 - SV
FWP (332 kB)

Ny FW LD62520 stöder nya funktioner i (BNL) tillbehör för att vara kompatibelt med INCERT-certifiering. Vi rekommenderar starkt att uppgradera GSM-uppringaren med den här inbyggda programvaran men bara om aktuell FW är markerad som LD62xxx. Ny inbyggd programvara kan inte användas istället för äldre och det rekommenderas inte att man gör det!

JA-60 Profi

ComLink Software v.65 - English
ZIP (1.78 MB)

From here you can download ComLink software for programing and controlling the
JA-60 Comfort (versions after 2002), JA-63 Profi and JA-65 Maestro systems. Also for JA-80T, PC-60B, and PC-60A interfaces and JA-60U modems.

This version is needed for a control panel with fw gk61012 or higher (255 events memory).

ComLink software works correctly with Windows 7/8/8.1/10.

ComLink verze 65 česky
ZIP (1.85 MB)

Zde si můžete stáhnout software ComLink pro nastavování a ovládání systémů JA-60 Comfort (od verze roku 2002), JA-63 Profi a JA-65 Maestro, pro připojovací interface JA-80T, PC-60B, PC-60A nebo modem JA-60U.

Verze 65 je potřebná pro ústřednu s fw gk61012 nebo vyšším (paměť pro 255 událostí).

ComLink Software v.65 - Danish
ZIP (1.78 MB)

From here you can download ComLink software for programing and controlling the
JA-60 Comfort (versions after 2002), JA-63 Profi and JA-65 Maestro systems. Also for JA-80T, PC-60B, and PC-60A interfaces and JA-60U modems.

This version is needed for a control panel with fw gk61012 or higher (255 events memory).

ComLink software works correctly with Windows 7/8/8.1/10.

ComLink Software v.65 - Dutch
ZIP (1.78 MB)

From here you can download ComLink software for programing and controlling the
JA-60 Comfort (versions after 2002), JA-63 Profi and JA-65 Maestro systems. Also for JA-80T, PC-60B, and PC-60A interfaces and JA-60U modems.

This version is needed for a control panel with fw gk61012 or higher (255 events memory).

ComLink software works correctly with Windows 7/8/8.1/10.

ComLink Software v.65 - Finnish
ZIP (2.1 MB)

From here you can download ComLink software for programing and controlling the
JA-60 Comfort (versions after 2002), JA-63 Profi and JA-65 Maestro systems. Also for JA-80T, PC-60B, and PC-60A interfaces and JA-60U modems.

This version is needed for a control panel with fw gk61012 or higher (255 events memory).

ComLink software works correctly with Windows 7/8/8.1/10.

ComLink Software v.65 - German
ZIP (2.1 MB)

From here you can download ComLink software for programing and controlling the
JA-60 Comfort (versions after 2002), JA-63 Profi and JA-65 Maestro systems. Also for JA-80T, PC-60B, and PC-60A interfaces and JA-60U modems.

This version is needed for a control panel with fw gk61012 or higher (255 events memory).

ComLink software works correctly with Windows 7/8/8.1/10.

ComLink Software v.65 - Hungarian
ZIP (1.78 MB)

From here you can download ComLink software for programing and controlling the
JA-60 Comfort (versions after 2002), JA-63 Profi and JA-65 Maestro systems. Also for JA-80T, PC-60B, and PC-60A interfaces and JA-60U modems.

This version is needed for a control panel with fw gk61012 or higher (255 events memory).

ComLink software works correctly with Windows 7/8/8.1/10.

ComLink Software v.65 - Italian
ZIP (1.78 MB)

From here you can download ComLink software for programing and controlling the
JA-60 Comfort (versions after 2002), JA-63 Profi and JA-65 Maestro systems. Also for JA-80T, PC-60B, and PC-60A interfaces and JA-60U modems.

This version is needed for a control panel with fw gk61012 or higher (255 events memory).

ComLink software works correctly with Windows 7/8/8.1/10.

ComLink Software v.65 - Polish
ZIP (2.1 MB)

From here you can download ComLink software for programing and controlling the
JA-60 Comfort (versions after 2002), JA-63 Profi and JA-65 Maestro systems. Also for JA-80T, PC-60B, and PC-60A interfaces and JA-60U modems.

This version is needed for a control panel with fw gk61012 or higher (255 events memory).

ComLink software works correctly with Windows 7/8/8.1/10.

ComLink Software v.65 - Portuguese
ZIP (1.78 MB)

From here you can download ComLink software for programing and controlling the
JA-60 Comfort (versions after 2002), JA-63 Profi and JA-65 Maestro systems. Also for JA-80T, PC-60B, and PC-60A interfaces and JA-60U modems.

This version is needed for a control panel with fw gk61012 or higher (255 events memory).

ComLink software works correctly with Windows 7/8/8.1/10.

ComLink Software v.65 - Russian
ZIP (2.1 MB)

From here you can download ComLink software for programing and controlling the
JA-60 Comfort (versions after 2002), JA-63 Profi and JA-65 Maestro systems. Also for JA-80T, PC-60B, and PC-60A interfaces and JA-60U modems.

This version is needed for a control panel with fw gk61012 or higher (255 events memory).

ComLink software works correctly with Windows 7/8/8.1/10.

ComLink Software v.65 - Swedish
ZIP (2.1 MB)

From here you can download ComLink software for programing and controlling the
JA-60 Comfort (versions after 2002), JA-63 Profi and JA-65 Maestro systems. Also for JA-80T, PC-60B, and PC-60A interfaces and JA-60U modems.

This version is needed for a control panel with fw gk61012 or higher (255 events memory).

ComLink software works correctly with Windows 7/8/8.1/10.

ComLink Software v.63 - Mainland China
EXE (1.14 MB)

From here you can download ComLink software for programing and controlling the
JA-60 Comfort (versions after 2002), JA-63 Profi and JA-65 Maestro systems. Also for JA-80T, PC-60B, and PC-60A interfaces and JA-60U modems.

This version is needed for a control panel with fw gk61012 or higher (255 events memory).

ComLink software works correctly with Windows 9x/2000/XP.

ComLink Software v.63 - Slovak
EXE (1.22 MB)

From here you can download ComLink software for programing and controlling the
JA-60 Comfort (versions after 2002), JA-63 Profi and JA-65 Maestro systems. Also for JA-80T, PC-60B, and PC-60A interfaces and JA-60U modems.

This version is needed for a control panel with fw gk61012 or higher (255 events memory).

ComLink software works correctly with Windows 9x/2000/XP.

ComLink Software v.55 - Bosnian
ZIP (655 kB)

From here you can download ComLink software for programing and controlling the
JA-60 Comfort (versions after 2002), JA-63 Profi and JA-65 Maestro systems. Also for JA-80T, PC-60B, and PC-60A interfaces and JA-60U modems.

ComLink software works correctly with Windows 9x/2000/XP.

ComLink Software v.55 - French
ZIP (634 kB)

From here you can download ComLink software for programing and controlling the
JA-60 Comfort (versions after 2002), JA-63 Profi and JA-65 Maestro systems. Also for JA-80T, PC-60B, and PC-60A interfaces and JA-60U modems.

ComLink software works correctly with Windows 9x/2000/XP.

ComLink Software v.55 - Taiwanese
ZIP (654 kB)

From here you can download ComLink software for programing and controlling the
JA-60 Comfort (versions after 2002), JA-63 Profi and JA-65 Maestro systems. Also for JA-80T, PC-60B, and PC-60A interfaces and JA-60U modems.

ComLink software works correctly with Windows 9x/2000/XP.


Azor firmware update LO60313
FWX (22.62 MB)

Latest A-Link package version to download (AZOR firmware LO60313)

Note: This version includes innovative certificate for antivirus software. Nowadays operating systems require it.

How to update:

1.Make sure that the communicator is powered by a power supply before starting the upgrade
2.Connect the communicator to your PC via a USB cable.
3.Run the A-Link program on the newly assigned communicator logical drive.
4.Please check the version of firmware in your Azor (click the "Version" tab and check the "Firmware" field). If your firmware is LO60309 or higher, go to step no.10.
5.Download fwp update and save the latest fwp software to your hard drive.
6.In the main menu select the "Communicator" tab - choose "Update software".
7.Select the file with a *.fwp extension from the folder, where you saved it (step 5).
8.Follow the instructions on the screen and wait till the update is finished.
9.The A-Link program stops and performs a communicator restart. As a confirmation, two LEDs flash with a blue color.
10.Download fwx update and also save the latest fwx software to your hard drive (it is a second file).
11.a) Run the A-Link program again and it performs the second step of the update itself using the file with a *.fwx extension from the folder, where you saved it (step 10).
b) If the firmware version in your Azor is LO60309 or higher, in the main menu select the "Communicator" tab - choose "Update software". Select the file with a *.fwx extension from the folder, where you saved it (in step 10).
12.The A-Link program stops and performs a communicator restart. Wait for approx. 2 minutes till the red LED (labeled GSM) goes off.
13.The firmware in the communicator and the A-Link software are now up-to-date and ready to be used again.
Azor firmware update LO60308
FWP (1.34 MB)

Latest A-Link package version to download (AZOR firmware LO60312)

How to update:

1.Make sure that the communicator is powered by a power supply before starting the upgrade
2.Connect the communicator to your PC via a USB cable.
3.Run the A-Link program on the newly assigned communicator logical drive.
4.Please check the version of firmware in your Azor (click the "Version" tab and check the "Firmware" field). If your firmware is LO60309 or higher, go to step no.10.
5.Download fwp update and save the latest fwp software to your hard drive.
6.In the main menu select the "Communicator" tab - choose "Update software".
7.Select the file with a *.fwp extension from the folder, where you saved it (step 5).
8.Follow the instructions on the screen and wait till the update is finished.
9.The A-Link program stops and performs a communicator restart. As a confirmation, two LEDs flash with a blue color.
10.Download fwx update and also save the latest fwx software to your hard drive (it is a second file).
11.a) Run the A-Link program again and it performs the second step of the update itself using the file with a *.fwx extension from the folder, where you saved it (step 10).
b) If the firmware version in your Azor is LO60309 or higher, in the main menu select the "Communicator" tab - choose "Update software". Select the file with a *.fwx extension from the folder, where you saved it (in step 10).
12.The A-Link program stops and performs a communicator restart. Wait for approx. 2 minutes till the red LED (labeled GSM) goes off.
13.The firmware in the communicator and the A-Link software are now up-to-date and ready to be used again.

GD-04K, GD-02K-DIN, GD-04 & GD-02-DIN

GD-Link 2.3.1 - Software / firmware GD-04K, GD-02K-DIN, GD-04 & GD-02-DIN
ZIP (56.08 MB)

Configuration software for the GD-04K, GD-02K-DIN, GD-04 & GD-02-DIN devices.

The software includes the latest firmware and an automatic update of available versions.

CA-2103, CU-08, CU-07A & CA-345

MCB drivers

MCB-01 - Firmware - 5t
ZIP (156 kB)

Technical support webpages for the ALBUM*

User manual - ALBUM
PDF (873 kB)